Renewal / Re-issue Passport

This application is for all individuals

The current Nigerian E-passport has a life term of both 5 years and 10 years validity of which at expiration you’re re-issued with a new passport booklet showing an extension in expiry date. The usual practice of embossing the expired passport with an observed seal of extension is no longer in operation.

Mandatory appearance of applicants is required with the issuance of Electronic Nigerian Passport for both facial and finger print recognition.

Requirements for application

  • Expired passport booklet


Phase 1 of 4

  • Personal
  • Contact
  • Other
  • General
*marked fields are mandatory
[Applicants under 18 years of age can only apply 5 years validity Passport]

Personal Information

Application Type*
First Name*
Middle Name
Date of Birth*
Passport Number*
Place of Birth*
Marital Status*
National Identity Number*

Contact Information

Address In UK
Address Line 1*
Address Line 2
Address In Nigeria
Address Line 1*
Address Line 2
Post Code UK*
Email Address*
Mobile Number*
Mobile Number In Nigeria*

Other Information

Maiden Name
Mother's Maiden Name*
State of Origin*
Home Town*
Next of Kin*
Relationship of Next of kin*

General Information

What Type of Passport do you want?*
How would You Like to be contacted?*

Payment Terms

Full payment must be made for services rendered prior to collection of your documents

Please note that Apply4Me will not refund Fees (including Administration Fees), for any applications that have been completed, processed and paid for on a third party website

By initiating your payment for services offered, you are acknowledging that you agree to these terms and conditions.

Apply4me Service Centre is registered under the companies Act as Pifany UK LTD (company no 9522415)

By completing this form, the Applicant gives their consent to share their information with Apply4me Visa Service Centre to act as their agent solely for the intended purpose of completing their passport or visa application.Apply4me Visa Service Centre treats all information received with high degree of confidentiality as defined under the Data Protection Act 1998 and will not share your data to any third part unless compelled by law; by a court order.Apply4me Visa Service Centre is registered under the Companies Act as Pifany UK Ltd (company no 9522415)

Do you consent?

if Yes Press Continue

Personal Information

Middle Name:
First Name:
Date of Birth:
National Identity Number:
Place of Birth:
Passport Number:
Marital Status:

Contact Information

Address In UK
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Post Code UK:
Address In Nigeria
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Mobile Nubmer:
Mobile Number In Nigeria:

Other Information

Maidden Name:
Mother's maiden Name:
State of Origin:
Next of Kin:
Next of Kin Relation:
Home Town:

General Information

Passport Type:
Contact Type:
Thanks for applying at
Your Application has been submitted successfully, A mail has been sent to your email address with some information. Follow this URL to process the payment